We still have bowling leagues here in Central Ohio. Here's one of many:https://bowlthepalace.com/leagues/

A 2013 study by the University of Cambridge confirmed Midwesterners had "moderately high levels of extraversion, agreeableness, and conscientiousness." One person described it as: "Inhabitants of the so-called heartland smile and wave at every person they come by, friends and strangers alike, on sidewalks and in supermarket aisles."

I'm originally from Ohio, who later lived in DC, Virginia, Michigan, Texas, and came back in Ohio. I can confirm it is true - that smile and say hello stuff. Somewhere in my past, I learned to say hello to strangers (unconsciously looking to make eye contact, wave, whatever). Most everyday, I walk and I unconsciously greet everyone who makes eye contact - where most , but not all, smile or wave in response.

So, make eye contact, smile and say hello to other moms with children and perhaps you will run into someone from Ohio, whose past learnings will prompt them to unconsciously respond in kind.

Best to you

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amazing as always. thanks for writing this Ali

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